Decisions scare me. Not just the big ones, because even deciding what to order when eating out is a little nerve-wracking. However, some decisions aren't so bad. Like going on for more schooling. That wasn't such a hard decision to make. Eating M&M's at 8 in the morning-also not a hard decision. Yet over the past few days, I've been dwelling on another decision, almost constantly. As a girl, I have naturally explored almost every possibility, the outcomes, talked it over with Tyler, etc. I'm slightly exhausted from thinking about now I'll turn it over to you. Think about your response wisely, because I will consider it! :)
I will have my second degree in August - I have a BS in BioChem and will get a second one in the field of Medical Laboratory Science (I can be a researcher, work in hospitals, etc) in only a year total. Tyler has taken the last year off of school to put me through, obviously to minimize the use of student loans (I'm terrified of the word 'loan' and the reprocussions it may bring). So, the next logical steps are as follows:
1. Tyler goes back to school to finish up
2. I work
1. Tyler goes back to school
2. I go get my Master's (both at the same time)
Facing the Facts:
-I don't really need a master's degree for my field, because if I got one, I'd have to keep going to get a PhD and I don't have plans for that.
-I really don't want to work for the rest of my life
-I think the only reason I want a Master's is to be able to say I have one. Some of my friends from HS have gone on to get them, and because I can't stop comparing myself to everyone around me, I feel pressure (just from inside) and that results in feeling "not-good-enough" beacuse I don't have that title. How lame is that? Well, I know its lame, but its true nonetheless.
-It might take another year to year-and-a-half to get the Masters and I want to start a family, but also desire work experience. Hm.
-What if I racked up a lot of student loans while getting my Master's and then got prego? (This is the scenario that Tyler brought up and because of all of the $$ involved, I couldn't think about this one for long.)
-I have begun to realize that Ty and I are in this together and I feel that I would like to focus on him, his schooling, and ultimately the future of our family (based around his goals, aspirations, etc) instead of me. This may make me sound self-centered, but its honestly something innocent I've started noticing about my insides, and how I'd like to be better.
-Ty has worked for a long time; shouldn't it be my turn?
In the end, the decision won't be made for another few months and I'm sure Tyler and I will continue this discussion frequently. There are so many perspectives that we've dreamed up, that I haven't typed, and ones that I'm sure you can think of too! However, I think that the perspectives from our close friends offers unseen wisdom, guidance, and ultimately free counseling. So respond away - What route would you take if this were you? And your family? :)