Tuesday, August 14, 2012

4 years = 1,460 days!

My title kind of reminds me of "Seasons of Love" from the hit Rent. 525,600 minutes; how do you measure a year? How about love?

[in fact, its now on repeat on my computer!]

Its so true.

We've had nothing but love. We have had a lot of compromise, changing of opinions, and laughter. More laughter than anything else. Its been a lot of fun, and now that we've added a little game changer, we are excited to see what else we can find to laugh about.

Last night we laughed about this post of mine on facebook:

It was a hard day, but at the end of it all, we laughed together and that was all that mattered. Poor Ethan got milk all over his face in the process, but that never hurt anyone!

Its been a big comfort to have a best friend by my side through this journey. With Ethan here now, its been an even bigger comfort. Sure, listening to General Conference talks during feedings and reading the scriptures during naps brings comfort... Tyler just happens to be a balm of Gilead that I can hold on to. He doesn't judge me when things get hard, he doesn't scold me for not having the house spotless when he comes home, and he is quick to go into work an hour early, come home and do dishes, do the laundry, and take Ethan so I can run to the store for 30 minutes of out-of-the-house-exposure on the days when Ethan and I haven't gone for walks. All of this without complaint. I have a lot to learn from him :) He is thoughtful. He is kind. And that is better then all the riches of the world.

He makes me laugh. Oh my. We were laughing so hard last night while waking up and feeding/changing Ethan - what hubby gets up each time with his wife to change the diaper so she can use the restroom, get ready to nurse, etc? Wow.  I am blessed. Especially because my eyes are barely open and I would hate to be the one changing diapers at night :) haha even with the lights on! haha Just kidding, but really? I am counting my blessings. Both of them.

 I am so thankful for the promise of forever families.

1 comment:

Hikari said...

Love this. Love you guys.