Friday, March 13, 2009

Extreme Makeover-Home Edition

If you ever want to feel this clip. There are a bunch more, so click on one after another. I watched this particular episode one Friday and when Tyler walked in the door, he glanced at the couch only to find me bawling my eyes out, a box of tissues keeping me company, and all I could say was, "i so happy!" haha It just emphasizes having a charitable heart. Love it.


A little Birdie... said...

Holy moly I cried my eyes out! What an amazing family to watch! Thanks for posting it!

Jalene said...

I cry watching this show too!!! I'm glad I'm not that only one. We are cool! :)

Crystal and Jordan said...

my sisters and I call this show build a house and cry....I love this show...its seems to always be on when i am feeding daniel and jordan will come in and I am bawling like a baby!!!