Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hiking the Mountain

 Once graduation was confirmed, I decided we should take a hike!

 And so we did.
To the top of my mountain.
I watch people climb this mountain daily, and I stare out at them 
from my windows at work.
longing to be free.

We reached the 1st of 3 peaks, and had a picture break!
 My building is directly the the upper-left of Ty's left elbow.
Our home is just 2 blocks left of that!
Its so nice to walk!
[especially in under 7 minutes!]

 It was the nicest day ever.
Thank you Utah!
Um, I happen to be quite involved when I read.
The day before, I had sat outside, reading "The King in the Window."
A great novel.
Well, I forgot that I had a hole across my left knee
in the jeans I wore while outside.
This burn was the result.
One burn in one spot.
Just happened to be in the middle of my leg.

2nd Summit!
We made it!

The Peak.
Oh my. 
Seriously, its so high up!!!!!

 Evaluating our progress....

I had to text/call my work.
I had a post-it hung up at work with my 2010 goals.
Climbing this mountain was one of them.
Everyone asked, asked, and asked, "Have you climbed your mountain yet?!"
I called them, waved, and I am now famous. 
Candid shot.
Good one, Tyler!

Tyler, master of the mountain!

Rock in shoe. 

This is the view from the 2nd summit, looking up!
That's where we were!

2nd summit, looking down at the 1st summit.
It doesn't look this big from the front!

We took a different path down the mountain.
We found a rock-wall!
'nuff said.

Pretty little grove/trail.
It was so much easier going down through this trail.
On our way up, we hiked directly up the mountain.
Like, at a 60 degree angle.

beautiful views
amazing exercise
the best company

I am so excited for summer.

May 2011


Jenny said...

I want to get a babysitter for my kids and do this hike with my husband. It looks awesome! How long did it take you guys?

Bethany Gilson said...

Krista! So proud of you for living your dreams and climbing to the top-literally!!! Love all the pictures!