Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can Anyone Explain?

-what's the deal with Family Reunions?

-I don't get it.

-Never had one.

-Seems like an excuse to take off of work in the summer - the more of those you have, the better your summer will be....(i think haha)


-so confused.


Elle said...

i also think it's an excuse for 50 people to get matching t'shirts. hey, that's why i like them ;)

Katy said...

it's also an excuse for....

LOT'S of mayo-based salad to sit around in the hot hot sun... but somehow STILL get eaten.

familial drama... like "pssst... did you know that Aunt Helen got a nose job but doesn't want anyone to know? It's SOOOOOO obvious though"

seeing EVERYONE in their swimsuits... I mean, like, EVERYONE. Gross, Uncle Harry.

Food, food, FOOD.... like every other Mormon get-together, Reunions are no different. Every woman in the family thinks, "Oh dear, we're not going to have enough food for everybody. I'll just make a few more (thousand) dishes to bring, just in case... chirp, chirp" (that last part was a Mother Hen clucking... or chirping?)

i cannot believe you haven't had one.... please, if you wanna see some true entertainment and be scarred for years to come, join us for our reunion one of these years. They'd eat you up like a grilled cheese.

Alan and Kiersten said...

my family never had them either but alan's family has them all the time! it's seriously out of control. they claim it's because they all like each other and like seeing each other, but i don't know if i buy it. ha ha